Estimated reading time: 29 minutes

What to know before buying a home?
How to deal with noisy neighbours?
Avoid learning the hard way after you move in!
Ten different noises you can be exposed too!
Get valuable tips and insight on how to avoid noisy neighbours before buying a home.
Ten types of noises you need to consider and how you can protect yourself?
Avoid a loud noisy neighbour before buying a home?
Get valuable tips and insight on how to avoid noisy neighbours before buying a home
How to avoid noisy neighbours and what to know before house hunting so you are better prepared. Explore the ten noise types you should know before buying a home, before it’s too late.
It’s important to feel content in your new home. Living in a sought-after area like the Eastern Suburbs or Inner West can offer various advantages. Being close to friends, family, or work, or residing in a desirable neighbourhood are all valid reasons. People may regret a property purchase if it leads to resenting their home and no longer enjoy living there.
“However you move in and wish you never bought this place”.
“What went wrong”? “How could this happen to me”?
The house or unit purchased has more background noise or has become increasingly louder, and you begin to wear noise-cancelling ear pods frequently, just to block out the noise.
You hear a voice in your head say, “I can’t believe I started doing this.” I went through every room and found nothing that seemed noisy, to me”.
That’s because your emotions took over. You began to fall in love with the place, the ‘suburb’ and picture yourself living there. Your environment and how it may impact the quality of living, doesn’t enter your mind. Or does it?
How important is it to avoid noisy neighbours?
During the initial inspection, who would consider this? Everyone wants to live in a fairy-tale home. Until you move in and discover that your neighbour or upstairs, if you live in a unit, are noisy and inconsiderate.
There will always be noise unless you live in a remote area. It can come from nearby roads, construction, early morning birds, etc. I’m referring to inconsiderate noise that annoy you, by the neighbour.
What noises should I consider before initiating a home inspection? Is there a method to stop them?
The good news is that you can make an informed decision during and after the initial inspection before you visit the property, and before you decide to move forward with buying your dream home.
You just need the right information and tools in this blog to help you so you don’t learn the hard way! Let’s explore what frustrations, and what you can do to avoid them.
Frequent entering and exiting of vehicles and people.
Going to work, shopping, and hosting friends every other weekend are typical activities for a household using two or three cars. On the other hand, a household can have a group of friends or two or more families who also operate a home-based business.
The number of individuals moving their car at any given hour in a home with more vehicles than the average will generate more noise. The time of day, the frequency of people and the noise cars produce entering and existing may bother you.
Is their home business quiet or busy with vehicles and people coming and going? Does the master bedroom overlook the driveway? How important is privacy and peace to you or your family? Check for noisy neighbours before buying.
How can I avoid noisy excessive vehicle and human traffic from neighbours?
Make time over the week and at various times of the day to conduct your own research before you buy the property. The busiest days are Monday, Thursday, Friday, evenings, and weekends.
Track the number of cars that arrive and depart. Is human traffic frequent or within a normal range? Does the garage door remain open, and business transactions take place? Are they loud?
Would the regular entry and departure of strangers to your next-door neighbour’s property worry you, even if it’s not loud?
I supplied and installed garage shelving on all walls from top to bottom, creating space for a car in the middle of the double garage. The garage is used to import and export goods. There is a rise in popularity of side hustles.
Tip. Just because the first time you visited the property wasn’t noisy, the second or third week might!
Garden maintenance power tool noises and their usage times.
Lawns are short due to lawn mowers used, with a routine garden maintenance schedule. However, using various power tools contributes to noise when multiple petrol-powered equipment used.
People generally maintain their lawns, gardens, hedges, and trees in leafy suburbs. Your neighbour may be particular about their landscaping that requires ongoing maintenance. However, starting at 7 am every other day is not so bad if you’re an early bird. If you’re not, you may find their routine habits inconsiderate.
What’s the neighbour’s motive for starting early?
The weather! It’s cool to work outside before the sun gets hot. Wouldn’t you?
You don’t want to move in and discover their lawn-care routine irritates you. You ask them to start later or on the weekend, and they retort by claiming we are within our rights to begin at 7 or 8 am on the weekends.
As time passes, they continue to ignore you, not just this but other things too. You just realised how insensitive. For this reason, you will want to avoid noisy neighbours before buying your dream home in the suburb you want to live in, get to know your neighbours.
How to avoid noisy power tools and your neighbour uses, before buying a home?
If you’re purchasing your home in the summer, you’re most likely to hear the noise and judge for yourself. It’s best to make multiple, varied weekday and weekend visits. If you are the kind of person who, for whatever reason, prefers to sleep in on weekends, this home may be a deal breaker.
Noise restrictions laws do not allow noise from garden power tools before 7 a.m. during the week. Pay attention to the type of noise and note how long it lasts. In winter, it’s difficult as the grass grows slow.
It’s acceptable if everyone wakes up at five in the morning, goes to the gym, and leaves by eight to avoid noise for most of the day.
There are days off where you will sleep in, or if you are planning on starting a family, your neighbour who won’t budge on a different time slot will be unacceptable to some.
It could also be that the agent is aware that the neighbour or neighbours are using noisy garden tools starting at 8 am or earlier to avoid making a bad impression. Always make an informed decision based on facts!
After all, they are in the business of selling you your dream home and minimising inconveniences.
Tip. An empty house or unit is louder when you’re inside, listening for noise. A house or unit with furniture dampens the noise to some degree. Also, be there at 6:30 in the morning just in case.
Bonus Tip! Even though viewing time for the inspection at 10 am or 11:00 am by the real estate may seem considerate, especially on weekends when most people wake up later. This could be a red flag.
Noise emitting from power tools due to renovations.
Although every person is within their rights to renovate their property, I encourage you when it’s time to do so. It gives a fresh new look to the home, contributes to healthier living, and assists people who need to be creative in and increase their work-life balance in their home.
The noise I am referring to, is the kind that is invisible to you before you purchase the property. It starts three weeks after you move in and gradually increases for the remainder of the year or even three years after.
Why would someone renovate their property for that long?
For various reasons. Other financial commitments. Lack of preparation, underestimating how long each task takes, primarily associated with DIY projects.
Constant bad weather or the number of good weather days needed to finish any project to start a new one and the times between getting the project started and the availability of chosen trades people or lack of trade persons that was hired to complete the project.
Your neighbour is in constant dispute with tradies and may even involve you in their drama.
So, how can I avoid noisy neighbours before buying and find out if renovations will start after I purchase?
You can never completely block out this kind of noise. Anyone who purchases next to neighbours (or upstairs in a unit) may experience this. Before moving forward with buying your ideal property, you need to minimise your risk.
Find a way to get in touch with your neighbour. Knock on their door or contact them directly. Two to the left and two to the right of a house and two above and two below if you are in an apartment. The same goes for a commercial property.
You may have to knock more than once at different parts of the day if you are keen on purchasing the property. If your neighbour does not respond, particularly on the weekends or during respectable hours, no matter how much you love the property after three weeks of trying, I recommend you do not purchase the property.
What if it were an emergency? Or you were pregnant, and you truly needed to be rushed to the hospital?
Why is getting to know your neighbours so important?
Unless you prefer to learn things the hard way, it’s best to find out who your neighbours are?
You wouldn’t get married on the second date, same with buying a house.
Since the neighbour has already moved in, you should find out who lives next door, and what their plans are and advise them if you are deciding on purchasing the property and starting renovations or they are.
If you are not renovating and you are starting a family, you just avoided a potential headache. If you are planning on renovating, you need to observe their reaction.
The last thing you want is for your neighbour to agree that it’s okay for you to be renovating respectably. Unfortunately, plans change, weather and financial obligations change with projects are delayed due to various reasons.
A simple verbal agreement to move on with renovations has descended into a full-fledged conflict because of shifting commitments, expectations, and living patterns.
Purchasing a property next door doesn’t have to be difficult!
After reading, you’ll have insight, tools, and knowledge to help make a thorough decision.
You knock on the door or schedule a meeting time. What should I say after that? If they open the door when knocked, explain you are considering buying next door and would like some to get to know one other before deciding.
Next, find out if they have time to chat or need to reschedule later. If they’re willing and have time now or later, great. Make small talk. Tell them again politely that you are considering buying the house next door.
Explain you or your partner or family would like to meet them. Reward their time by giving them a bottle of champagne or something else. Individuals will be more hospitable if they feel you value their time equally.
Friendly neighbours will likely take the initiative to invite you to visit them inside. Sometimes, they won’t extend an invitation after striking up a conversation. It’s possible they got caught up in the conversation and didn’t think to bring it up.
You do, that’s right! After engaging in small talk and you both feel comfortable, say? “I like to go inside your house to get to know you, your partner or your family better if that’s okay”. Await their reaction. If they have time, they may welcome you inside.
Offer to compensate with tea or coffee and that you are happy to leave 10-20 dollars. At this point you will remain quiet and listen to their response.
Pay extra attention to their body language when they say yes.
Was the answer genuine? Did they have their arms folded? Did they look at you when they said yes, or did they look away? People say yes, but their body is saying no.
Listen to their responses and voice tone. If the owners of the house or apartments you want to buy refuse to show you, it could be because their place is unclean.
In this case, they may propose a new time. The reality is that they don’t need to give you a reason to decline. They may be too busy or unwilling to welcome a stranger inside their home, which is understandable.
However, this also doesn’t help you decide whether to purchase the property.
So, the neighbour invites you in. What do I look for?
Congratulations, you’re one step closer to owning the home of your dreams and to avoid a noisy neighbours
If you present well, most will extend an invitation to enter their home. It is most likely you will be seated in the living room.
As you head to the living room, observe the laundry, bedrooms, kitchen, and bathrooms. Do you think they will renovate soon? Does it feel like home for your family?
You’re chatting away while seated on the couch. Human interaction is fascinating in what people are willing to tell you. They may indicate that they intend to renovate. Just be careful not to probe too much.
Ask basic questions, where and if this was planned months or years ago. If it was planned years ago, it is more than likely they will go ahead.
If you’re still uncertain, the local council may provide insight if your neighbours have sought approval to undertake renovations.
Apartment owners must obtain the strata’s approval. This information is found in the strata committee reports. I would suggest requesting at least 1-2 years prior.
Once you move in, you’re stuck with the noises even though approval was granted one or two years ago with a deadline to start or executed in increments due to constraints.
During renovations, constant noise from jackhammers, power tools, human traffic, and vehicles entering and leaving the property can be heard, especially in the kitchen and bathroom area. This noise can be irritating and can be heard from neighbouring houses and units.
External renovations are always dependent on weather. It can be equally as noisy, if not louder. It can cost more because of several issues that might cause project delays and exceed budget.
After the meeting with the neighbours, think back on the discussion, the condition of the home you were in, or the absence of communication, and then decide!
Domestic verbal or physical abuse noise.
When you hear your neighbours arguing, it’s generally considered normal. Unfortunately, you got to hear that at your inspection. Do you need to worry? Maybe? It could be a one-off, or this has been for some time. Should I be concerned?
It’s more common than you think. We are not always aware of the other person’s desired response and words at any time. You should expect your partner to disagree.
I’m referring to arguments involving overtly offensive remarks and insulting outbursts, followed by loud noises that could be mistaken for objects thrown as they get louder and louder. They may involve you in the drama if things get worse.
If, during your initial inspection, you are unfortunate enough to encounter severe or loud verbal or physical abuse, express your gratitude to the real estate agent for their time and move on to the next.
It starts by disrespecting the other person using derogatory terms and associating their name with slurs and remarks. The partner then retaliates in the same or different manner. The ego is hurt, and a choice to do physical harm to retaliate.
How to avoid verbal and or physical domestic noisy neighbour before buying a home?
Real estate agents either lack the time or don’t meet their neighbours. They have their reasons or a conflict of interest. It can be challenging; I don’t blame them.
Since a decision will be required to purchase the property, you should not rely on the salesperson. Conduct your research, even if the salesperson tells you what the neighbours are like or have met them.
The truth is that you can never 100%, avoid a noisy neighbour who does this. When you inspect the property, you may not hear anything for the next 6 to 12 months, and suddenly, verbal or physical outbursts, start.
You can never completely prevent this kind of noise. Even after you inspect the property and meet the neighbours, things change. You might not hear anything for the following six to twelve months. Suddenly, they start arguing.
Setting up a time and date to meet your neighbour or neighbours and making your judgement is the best approach. Respectful couples and families who like living in harmony have a calm aura and are less prone to have tantrums and outbursts.
How they live and how tidy the home is are equally significant aspects of their personality. The layout and how it makes you feel? Does it solicit a feeling of happiness and pleasure, or does it make you depressed?
In your head, on a scale of 1-10, rate how they’re living. Assume their position if you were living in that home. How would you act and feel? If you gave it a 7 out of 10, then it could be that there is a 30% chance of an argument breaking out. 50% or higher, I don’t recommend buying, even as an investment property.
How do they make their living? Do they live comfortably or extravagantly?
Statistics show that couples who live above their means are more likely to argue.
Are there any photos of happy memories, as they display loyalty and devotion?
Are you only seeing the wife and not the husband or partner together? For some reason, this doesn’t eventuate when requested together. Observe their communication style.
Some couples or families are good at projecting a specific persona or coming across as kind. However, you get the feeling that something is wrong. It’s called a gut feeling. I urge you to trust your gut feeling!
Having a great neighbour does not guarantee you will always have the ideal relationship.
If you don’t get a great first impression, don’t be quick to judge. You’re not perfect! If they were rude, obnoxious, or condescending, thank the neighbour for their time. If it were ok, return home to discuss your interaction with your partner, family, and friends. Gather other perspectives, including your personality and perception of the neighbour and whether you and the neighbour would be a good fit.
However, after consulting with your partner, family, and friends and you remain concerned, this is your gut feeling telling you not to proceed.
For more information on how to read body language, I recommend reading, how to read a person like a book. By, Gerard I. Nierenberg.
Excessive noise from pets.
Since pets offer their owners unconditional affection and company, many people adore them and could not survive without pets. Some dog and bird breeds bark or chirp more regularly. Especially when their owners leave for work in the morning and don’t return until the evening.
Some dog and bird breeds experience separation anxiety if left unattended and may create noise daily. It can interrupt peace and comfort, especially if you or your partner are sensitive to noise or intend to raise a family.
The problem is that you might not be exposed to any pet noises when you initially have your first inspection.
How to avoid a neighbour with noisy pets, before buying a home?
Dogs typically bark when someone is close by to sound the alarm. It’s in their DNA! Schedule two additional property inspections if the first one has no pet noises. Maybe the third will reveal the noise.
Pay attention if pet noises stop or continue. Especially after everyone has left the inspection or the noise has settled.
Some breeds will keep barking for hours. If the dogs continue to bark after three minutes, they detect your presence and won’t stop. I suggest hopping in your car, going around the block, and returning ten to fifteen minutes later to see if the barking stopped.
If not, there is a breed or offending dog that will cease barking at the owner’s arrival or when the dog decides. If you’re starting a family and need frequent peace or running a business from home, this is a problem.
Tip. Schedule a house inspection during the week at 2 pm. It’s when pets start to feel restless and bored. It is common for a well-trained next-door house pet to bark once, twice, or three times when you enter the home with the real estate agent.
Bonus tip! Once the salesperson has left the property, should the pet noises stop or continue, walk up and down the street and see if any dogs are contributing to the noise. You may trigger other dogs to bark, this is normal, If the barking calms down within 3 mins. This means the dogs are used to traffic or people walking up and down the street and naturally stop.
Noise from musical instruments and loud music
While music can soothe the soul, inspire creativity, and bring people together, it can also instantly shift your mood. Not all music uplifts the spirit. Regardless of the setting played.
Background music in your house, café, or club can be a terrific way to unwind or liven things up, but if the music isn’t your taste or the volume is carelessly loud, it can become a source of irritation and negatively impact your mood.
Music played at night, unless loud, is not always offensive. Music played during the day, or the evening can be more inconsiderate when loud to justify the time of day.
Artists that are aware of this have their studios soundproofed. When done professionally, you won’t be able to hear anything inside your house during the day or night.
It occurs when soundproofing is unprofessionally installed in the garage and set up to rehearse music. Only to have sound equipment or instruments distort. Not realising how loud, distorted, muffled, and thoughtless the sound reached the neighbours.
How can I avoid loud music and instruments from a noisy neighbour before buying?
Since the invention of music, this has been the most complaint from neighbours, especially in an apartment.
Living in an apartment will be challenging because, during the day, individuals are allowed to play music with the volume regarded as “acceptable” if it’s not deemed too loud.
The setting in which the music is played, rather than the volume itself, can be the issue. It’s the architecture, the structure, or inappropriate surroundings.
Solid brick or double brick walls and thick carpeting throughout an apartment will always be more insulated against loud music. Wood or tile flooring and Gyprock walls increase noise travelling.
The density of concrete slabs separating each apartment impacts sound transmission. Echo travelling through common areas, individual rooms, and the structure of the building can enhance sound.
The acoustics of apartment buildings vary unless constructed with sound insulation in mind.
Is it possible to change things? Yes, if the walls are entirely Gyprock and adequate sound insulation is installed. However, most apartments remain rented. Owners may not fund this. Owner-occupiers might do this if it’s loud.
So that means I must buy a house and not a unit?
Not always. It’s common to hear music playing when you arrive for your initial inspection, especially during the day. If you live in an apartment building, your neighbour or the person upstairs may be learning to dance.
Whether or not your personality can handle loud music, you are the only one who truly knows it. It may not be your ideal home for you.
Visit the property at various times during the day, the weekend and night. Keep an ear out for any music. The real estate agent may not agree to give you the keys or permit you to see the property at night or in the evening.
Tip. After hours, real estate agents have the right to decline your request for keys. There’s a cooling-off period when you purchase a home. You may not receive a full refund if you change your mind. A decision to buy may not happen if you cannot fully extend your due diligence or if losing a portion of the deposit is essential.
Pool pump noises.
If you don’t hear this noise on your first inspection, you may not think this would annoy you later. Modern pool pumps don’t produce much noise when operating, but some have a terrible buzzing sound.
If the pool pump is new, this noise can appear three to five years later. It’s possible the storage beneath the stairs was not well-ventilated, intended only as a storage area, and was not designed with the motor pool pump inside—all of which would provide the ideal conditions for an echo.
The sound of hum and buzz from the motor pump can travel next door if the room underneath is not soundproof. If you’re the type that takes naps or a light sleeper, then your bedroom will be a nightmare.
It probably wouldn’t be as loud on its own, but in a room under the stairs. Your neighbour could be perplexed if you knock on their door and express your frustrations. They probably have double-glazed sliding doors, so they don’t hear hum. Instead, they might say, “I don’t know what you are talking about!” I hear nothing.
So, your neighbour kept the motor pump noise under control. The sound of the pole cleaner and head swishing and swooshing in the water annoys you.
Imagine a submerged version of a robot vacuum sweeper. It will annoy you if you’re a light sleeper. Various swooshing and swishing motions ranging from gentle to forceful clean the water; the more recent models produce forceful noises throughout the day.
The surroundings, the construction of your neighbour’s property, the design and the degree to which sound can warp as it enters your property will influence the noise entering your home.
How to avoid a neighbour with a noisy pool pump before buying a home?
Purchasing a home next to a neighbour with a large pool typically requires larger motors. Motor pumps that are not well-shielded can make loud noises eventually. It all depends on the kind of property you’re buying and how sound enters your home.
Some neighbours have large pools and noisy pool pumps. The whooshing noise can be heard two houses down. With some houses, the noises do not enter.
The only way to find out is to go in the evening, right before bed, and listen for sound inside and outside your home. This might not be feasible.
Tip. Make an appointment with the real estate salesperson and visit the home two or three days a week and nights if possible. The pool pump doesn’t need to run every day. It would be foolish to assume this noise won’t disturb you. Learning the hard way after buying the house is unwise.
Aeroplane overhead noise.
There would be no travel holidays without aeroplanes, overhead aeroplane noise can be the hardest to escape. Some suburbs must put up with this more often than others.
The noise can affect you even if you are 30 kilometres from the airport. The street’s acoustics, house or building architecture, air pressure, and ambient noise either amplify aircraft noise or reduce it because of its surroundings.
How can you find out before you purchase your dream house or apartment whether jet noise will be frequent?
An online tool exists that tracks the movement of aircraft in real-time. Check the flight patterns in the street and suburb you are considering buying before you inspect the home within 50 kilometres of Sydney Airport.
For houses and units outside the 50 km zone, you will need to spend a day or two, or the weekend and observe any unusual flight patterns.
Click below to open the map. Select Sydney from the list of links. Information is displayed from noise detection monitors and surveillance radars to show aircraft movements up to 30,000 feet above sea level and within 50 km of the airport.
With this handy interactive mapping tool from Airservices Australia, past trends and current patterns can be observed on a live map.
Trains on railroad tracks.
Trains moving along the railway tracks can be as calming as the ocean for some individuals. “You’ll get used to it”, they say! Having lived near the railway, the noise screeching from the wheels is so intense that it seems like someone has clawed their way down a chalkboard.
This generally applies to apartments as most apartments are being built along railroad tracks, these days.
How to avoid living, new noisy trains, screeching?
Certain suburbs have the new Waratah and millennium trains passing through the Sydney train network. A map can be viewed to determine where the train line is to view how close the streets are to the train lines.
The map indicates the train line in orange. You can enlarge the image to see if a property is near the rail lines. Typically, one can hear train track noise for up to 3km. With freight trains, horn sounds, vibrations, and wheels screeching when brakes are applied.
Before making time to view the property with your real-estate, view the Sydney rail network map.
If you pan and zoom the map you will be able to see if the street is close to the train line. From there, open Google maps
Type in the starting point, (applicable train station) then address of the property.
These train line maps should give you a good an idea of how close the street is to the train line. Remember! A general rule should be 3km away from the train line to minimise noise.
Click on the applicable network!
Inner West and Leppington Line
Eastern Suburbs and Illawarra Line
Local pubs, restaurants, and party noises.
If you intend to start a family, this is an issue. I lived in Paddington, NSW, in 2021 when I was young. I wasn’t a licensed handyman then, but I did live at the end of the street near a pub. Every Friday and Saturday night during the summer, you could hear people coming and going from the pub down the street.
Congestion from parking and the excessive noise from the cars travelling up and down the street were two things that annoyed me. Not only was this a parking restriction to the residents, but there was traffic on the way there. I had no idea what living near a pub would be like until I moved in.
Licensed clubs, nightclubs, Pubs, Restaurants, and venues are subject to noise restrictions because intoxicated individuals or groups disturb the neighbourhood’s peace. They are loud by venting their frustrations, throwing fits, fighting in the middle of the streets, or even causing property damage.
Living close to a bar may seem hip, but there are advantages and disadvantages. The same goes for hosting parties from home.
How to avoid pub, restaurant, patrons, or drunken fighting noises?
Find the property’s address before scheduling an inspection with the real estate agent. Open Google maps and scroll around the map to find any eateries or bars that stay open late. Take note if noise is generated close by on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Look for potential routes to and from the establishment using Google maps and vice versa. Determine if any routes are affected by congestion by entering the property address you wish to purchase when travelling to the venues.
Find out what kind of customers frequent the restaurants and bars and do your research. Visit or give them a call. You can then decide whether your lifestyle and personality allow you to reside on the street to such businesses or in proximity away.
If you need to buy during the winter, it’s best to reside three kilometres away from venues.
The security and peace a home comes with are considerations you will make before purchasing a home and not simply the swanky suburb.
Some next-door neighbours will always knock or contact you to let you know they are hosting a party with time slots. They don’t need your permission, there just being considerate. They even ask if you have any objections.
If you do, gently let them know that, even though it seems like fun, you, your wife, or your family will need quiet time on that day, for X reasons. However, you would have to return the favour, which is how neighbours should be.
That’s not how everyone is! Some individuals host parties whenever they feel like it and end it at a time that might offend their neighbours. Avoid noisy neighbourly venues before buying a home.
When your neighbour hosts a party every other Friday or Saturday night? Or, worse yet, during weeknights. People do throw parties during the week! Not the child parties, but the adult ones. I’m referring to the noise parties generate when you fail to do your homework on your neighbour and discover they party and invite friends more than you would like them to.
Tip. Popular bars, restaurants, and clubs may not always have the owner or the right person to respond to enquiries or obtain that kind of information, so take it with a grain of salt and visit those locations frequently, possibly twice or three times, to gauge clientele.
Bonus tip! Each season brings different people and different clientele. If you plan on buying the property during winter, you may not discover that type of information until you move in and learn the hard way when summer arrives. Try and avoid buying in winter from a noisy neighbour.
How to avoid noisy parties next door or three houses down?
Everyone has the right to celebrate. It’s vital to honour your victories and life’s accomplishments. I encourage you to grab your co-workers, friends, or family and celebrate. We work hard, so celebrate. It’s good for the soul.
I’m referring to the kind of party where you discover that your neighbours are inconsiderate once you’ve moved in. When music is too loud and played often, you may need to contact your neighbour and politely say that “the music was a little too loud” and how it made you feel. In most cases, this will seem like a reasonable request, and people will make the necessary adjustments.
Two or three houses down, where it gets challenging. Because you are not their direct neighbour and can only state, “you live two or three houses down”. They might comply or keep going about things their own way. Because of proximity, they are more inclined to disregard your request because it appears unreasonable and overly sensitive.
Ok! you’ve done your due diligence, you move in and the noise is more than a once off? How do I avoid noise that continues to irritate me before buying a home from noisy neighbours?
The noise is irregular but frequent enough to be unbearable.
You need your sanity back, so what do you do? ITS NEVER TOO LATE HANDYMAN SERVICE always advises you to behave courteously and with a friendly tone with your neighbours. Explain how the noise affects you. Find a solution that’s best for you and your neighbour.
Unfortunately, some people believe their noise is loud enough to warrant a complaint. They may not even realise how noisy they are. When someone demonstrates empathy, they typically apologise and either cease or lessen the noise that affects their neighbour’s home.
The noise only becomes a problem when you have made your neighbour aware, and they repeatedly don’t do anything about it.
For more information regarding how to handle neighbours who have neglected to reduce or cancel noise that enters your property, unreasonably disturbs your comfort and surroundings, interferes, and is deemed offensive under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act (POEO Act) 1997
Visit Environment Protection Authority page, preventing neighbourhood noise.
Now that you have information on how to avoid noisy neighbours before buying a house or unit, it would also be of great value to call me and schedule a time to walk through the home, apartment, or commercial business that requires additions, changes, repairs, and installations internally or externally and gain insight into the works required.
Some may never consider or assume hiring a handyperson to provide this kind of service.
ITS NEVER TOO LATE HANDYMAN SERVICE provides this type of service.
How you would benefit from the information?
- Assist you in making an educated decision about…
- Estimated costs on repairs, renovations, additions, alterations, and modifications you would like done.
- Make recommendations with upgrades to your home and inform details about the state of repairs and any inconveniences it may bring in the process. Discuss what is not achievable, if you have a specific upgrade or idea. This information is crucial if you plan a medium to large scale renovation before purchasing, the property.
- After inspecting the property, provide an accurate quote on all works.
I do charge a fee to provide this type of service. The quote for the changes is included in the fee. I charge $360.00 plus GST.
Book now to make this happen.
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